Saturday, 21 September 2013


Hello again!
So as you may or may not know, I've just very recently started college, let me tell ya, right now, it's just not as hard as what I thought it was going to be! I have a few bits of work to do throughout the week but it's daft little things like making a day to day timetable, or a leaflet! I just can't wait to get into the whole science part of the course! Roll on four more weeks when the that will be starting!! 
Another thing that has happened in my life I hear you ask? I got a house! Yes, finally... my own house! Okay, okay, so it's only a rented a house but in my eyes it's better than nothing, right? It will mean we can finally be a little family together and Maisie can have her own big room because it's a 3 bedroom house! I'm so excited to actually get into the house and get everything decorated the way I've always wanted my house to be! 
Cant't say I'll miss my family because I really will miss everything they do, but at least they are only a few minutes down the road! 
As for Maisie - she is crawling all over the place now! She started crawling nearly two week ago now but she was very wobbly. Now? There's literally no stopping her! Every two minutes I will be up and down because she's crawled out the room or she has gone to the tv! I'm loving every minute of her growing up though, I just wish it would all slow down! She was only a baby for a few months before she started to get big :( haha! 

So that it just a very short update on my life, and with house moving and decorated I hope you all don't mind that for a few weeks or so my blog posts may be all the place and not on a set day!!

Thank you all for reading my blog! 
     - Louise xx

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