Wednesday, 6 November 2013


*cough cough* (dusting off the cobwebs)

Hello all you lovelies!
Now it has literally been months hasn't it?! I'm finally in my own house, all settled, and after a very long five weeks to wait for Internet.... it has finally arrived!
Yay, I can finally start blogging again, and using my Twitter and Instagram more (which I am totally obsessed with by the way).

This is just a quick post today just to get back into the swing of things now that I'm back at work, and college with a baby. Busy bee right? Haha.

I love watching all of the Guru's on YouTube make their amazing Halloween makeup, and usually I just sit and admire and think I am never as good as they are to do my makeup like that!
But this year I was going to a Halloween party, so dressing up is a must! After a long consideration I decided to go with Nicole Guerriero's sugar skull, because I thought its not too bad with the gore and looked fairly simply to do!

After buying some extra makeup and sitting in front of the mirror for about 45 minutes, I was finally done! I will say that it wasn't completely how i would have liked it - my face wasn't as white, and I had to use a white eyeshadow to make my face look paler which was riddled with glitter which, no surprise, didn't really make my skin look its best!
But overall I was really proud at the face I could actually do my makeup and although it wasn't amazing I felt good about it!
And this was the finished result!

(Please ignore the none brushed I'm dead and going with it hair!)
You can watch the Sugar Skull tutorial by Nicole here.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!
      - Louise xx

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