Hello again, do you remember me?
Probably not...
I'm so so sorry I've been gone for about five months or so now.
I've still been reading blogs and watching YouTube videos but when it comes to sitting down and actually writing my own blog, I don't know what's happened.
So let me just begin by saying, I'm back at work! I went back in November but where I can I'm trying to get overtime - lets face it, working nine hours per week just doesn't cut it when you have a baby and a house to run...
So that's stress number one.
I'm still doing to Access to Health course, I only have about 8 weeks left or so, but my gosh does the work start building up! I'm onto my last big project at the minute and its definitely a pain!
Stress number two.
And baby (i can still call her that, right?), is fourteen months. So that means I never stop! If she's not trying to get somewhere she shouldn't be she's running into another room where she can't be seen! She keeps my days busy but very very entertained!!
So with that said, the only real me time I get is either Maisie's nap time, or when she's gone to bed, and by then I can never really be bothered to anything other than just sitting and either reading a book or just watching TV!
So I just wanted to say again that I'm so sorry and hopefully I will be able to get back into blogging soon, especially with my course finishing soon!
Thank you xxx
Louise xox
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