Tuesday 8 September 2015

Slim Fast + Diet Update

Hi guys,

You may or not remember that roughly a year ago I done a blog post all about my Slim Fast experience. Well, since it's a year later I thought I would update you guys on where I am now and how Slim Fast worked for me later on down the line.

First off when I started Slim Fast I loved it, I was losing about 4 pounds per week and clothes were fitting me so much better in such a short period of time. However, I cannot stick to diets to save my life! So when it came to a couple of weeks of doing Slim Fast shakes and I started to feel happy about the way my body was looking, I started to ease off the shakes and start to eat normally again. At first, the weight stayed off for a good three to four months, which was amazing because everyone always said to me it wouldn't work. 

Saturday 5 September 2015

New Laptop, Hooray!

Hi guys,

So it's probably been around a year or maybe more since I really signed back into my blog. I'm really surprised to see that people have still been finding my pages and having a little look around my little blog!

Anyway, today I have been out and bought a brand new laptop which means that I can actually use a laptop to do the things I want, yay! My old laptop was good for what I needed it for but because it was a few years old it would literally take about 20 minutes to open up the internet and it never worked on YouTube. So now, I will actually be able to do a blog post without it taking about four hours! I can't wait!

So hopefully I will get back into the swing of the things pretty soon and be able to do the things that I used to love!

- Louise xx