Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Slim Fast + Diet Update

Hi guys,

You may or not remember that roughly a year ago I done a blog post all about my Slim Fast experience. Well, since it's a year later I thought I would update you guys on where I am now and how Slim Fast worked for me later on down the line.

First off when I started Slim Fast I loved it, I was losing about 4 pounds per week and clothes were fitting me so much better in such a short period of time. However, I cannot stick to diets to save my life! So when it came to a couple of weeks of doing Slim Fast shakes and I started to feel happy about the way my body was looking, I started to ease off the shakes and start to eat normally again. At first, the weight stayed off for a good three to four months, which was amazing because everyone always said to me it wouldn't work. 

But then, as time went on and I was still eating as much or as little as I wanted my weight started to slowly creep back on. It came to point in my life where about two months ago I was so unhappy with myself and I felt groggy and tired and really upset about the way that I looked all the time. With this in my mind, I thought there must be another way to do this rather than such a quick fix. So, that's when I signed up to my local gym.

Like I've said before, I don't stick to things for too long so I thought I would not have lasted as long in the gym as I have now, although technically it is still early days! I did start off in the gym doing my own but I found that I needed a little bit encouragement and being honest... I didn't have a clue what I was doing!

That's when I decided I needed a personal trainer. I just really needed someone who would push me to my limits and make me do the things that I dreaded to do in the gym! Needless to say that four weeks into having a personal trainer I have lost over one stone. I couldn't be happier with the results! 

It feels so much better for me losing weight with exercise because it feels like I'm not cheating myself. I have genuinely worked hard to lose the weight. I have to say that out of all the ways I have lost weight, this is definitely the most long lasting and easiest way to do it. And I've got no one to thank but Callan my personal trainer for getting me on the right lines with diet and exercise because I don't think I would still be in the gym today without him showing me what to do to and helping me out along the way!!

- Louise xx

Click here to see Callan's Facebook if you are interested!


  1. Glad to hear your back into a routine :) and fantastic work on loosing a stone that's great! My sister and I have been going to the gym five days a week since June and we've seen some amazing progress. Much like yourself I'm glad I've done it properly x


    1. awww thank you very much! How amazing is it, it feels so much better as well because you just know you've worked so hard to get to where you are now! I think the gym is becoming my second home, but i love it :) Good to hear you have had good progress at the gym too! Well done lovely :) xx
