Friday, 8 July 2016

The Truth

Hello guys,
I've been thinking about writing a post for a long long time, but to be completely honest I haven't wanted to.
And this post is just going to be completely honest about the way I am feeling and have been feeling for a while now.

I started this blog after just having my little girl. I started it because I loved makeup, I just loved the way it made me feel, I love the way I could create different looks with minimal effort but still look amazing!
I felt that creating this blog was hard work but it was so worth it. I tried my best to make me blog look nice and easy to read - but I wanted to do everything myself so it was all my hard work into this and nobody else.

The first few months I would say I was loving the fact that I could voice my opinion, talk to other bloggers and it just felt very welcoming for little me with my tiny new blog to talk to others who were successful and doing really well their blog and had thousands of followers.

But then, I don't know if it's just me who felt this way but I would say probably a year and a half ago I started to feel 'less important' within the blogging community. I felt that well known bloggers were only talking to each other and not answering simple questions from those people who looked up to them. It felt as though the people with the best blogs were at the top and they were looking down at everyone else. I just felt that people were starting to be a nasty to each other and the love I felt when I started blogging had completely gone.

Now, I know this could just be me feeling this way, it could not. But I know as a person who had just started blogging and had just had a baby I started to compare myself and my blog to others. I know this isn't right and I know it's not the best thing anyone can do. I started to feel that my blood wasn't worth any time or effort because other people were doing so well and I was commenting on other people's posts and I would never get any comments or feedback on any of my posts and I used to wonder what I was doing wrong? I was getting page views, but as for comments, they were none existent. 
Is it because I haven't spent money on someone who could design my blog for me and make it look pretty?
Was it because my posts weren't good enough?
Was it because my content that I tried hard to work on, was that not very good?

The truth is... I will never know.

I keep saying I am wanting to get back into blogging and I know it takes a lot of hard work, but someones I think is it worth it? 
I love writing and I love makeup and I would love to keep writing and say my opinion and express my views on products and other things I could write about.

If you managed to read through this entire blog post then I honestly applaud you, there's a lot of words written by a mind boggled 22 year old. 
I honestly just wanted to express my feelings and get this off my chest.

Thank you for anyone who read this post, any comments would be greatly appreciated on this topic, or there is my twitter page where you can get in contact with me.

Thank you so so much,

Louise xxx

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