Friday, 4 December 2015

Too Faced Better Than Sex Mascara

Hi guys,

I recently got the Too Faced Better Than Sex mascara for my birthday after hearing so many good things about it!
First off, I love the packaging of this product. It's in a really sturdy metal tube with a light pink colour and the mascara name embossed onto the tube. You can tell by looking at it that it isn't the cheapest of the cheap but I think with this product you definitely get what you pay for it.

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Slim Fast + Diet Update

Hi guys,

You may or not remember that roughly a year ago I done a blog post all about my Slim Fast experience. Well, since it's a year later I thought I would update you guys on where I am now and how Slim Fast worked for me later on down the line.

First off when I started Slim Fast I loved it, I was losing about 4 pounds per week and clothes were fitting me so much better in such a short period of time. However, I cannot stick to diets to save my life! So when it came to a couple of weeks of doing Slim Fast shakes and I started to feel happy about the way my body was looking, I started to ease off the shakes and start to eat normally again. At first, the weight stayed off for a good three to four months, which was amazing because everyone always said to me it wouldn't work. 

Saturday, 5 September 2015

New Laptop, Hooray!

Hi guys,

So it's probably been around a year or maybe more since I really signed back into my blog. I'm really surprised to see that people have still been finding my pages and having a little look around my little blog!

Anyway, today I have been out and bought a brand new laptop which means that I can actually use a laptop to do the things I want, yay! My old laptop was good for what I needed it for but because it was a few years old it would literally take about 20 minutes to open up the internet and it never worked on YouTube. So now, I will actually be able to do a blog post without it taking about four hours! I can't wait!

So hopefully I will get back into the swing of the things pretty soon and be able to do the things that I used to love!

- Louise xx

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

The New Year!

2015 is fast approaching us!
I know that everyone is saying this, but seriously, how quick has this year gone?!
I don't know if it's the fact that a one year child takes up so much time in your day that the year just goes so quickly, or if it just really has flew by?

Our Christmas was amazing again this year. 
Everything was so much better and exciting now that Maisie really understands Christmas, who everyone is and who brings the presents!
She had a wonderful day spent by opening hundreds of presents!!

Monday, 22 December 2014

Long Time No Blog

Can we just stop a minute to blow the dust off this little old blog?
Yeah, it's been a while. A long while!

Within the past year life had definitely caught up with me.
The struggle of having my own house, work, college and let's not forget to most challenging but most rewarding without a doubt - being a parent.

Now, I can't lie and say I have the toughest life, or I don't have enough time, because honestly, that's just not true in the slightest.
My life was at the point where after a day of being a mammy, then going to work and college and being home late at night the last thing I wanted to do was sit write, photograph and edit posts on my blog. Honestly, I just wanted a cup of tea and my bed.

The time I did spend on my blog was amazing. Reading comments, interacting with other bloggers and just simply enjoying watching my blog grow.

Now that my life has seemed to calm down a little bit (I say this as I work two jobs, have a one year old daughter and it's Christmas time - which means a lot of sale prep at work!) I hope to be able to blog more often.
I'm definitely not saying I will be blogging religiously with four blog post a week. But I will try my best to keep everything consistent!

    - Louise xxx  

Friday, 4 July 2014

IMATS London 2014

Hey everyone!

I've been wanting to go to IMATS for about three years now, but this year thanks to my mam I got to go!
It was part of my birthday present for July, but obviously IMATS is a three day only event.

I got up at 5am to get ready for the 7.30 train to London on Saturday, and let me tell you, I don't think I have ever been so excited!

We finally arrived at Olympia at about 11, where getting ID'd was literally giving me heart palpitations!

Inside the venue I have never ever seen anything like it! All the hustle and bustle of everyone going to different makeup stalls and looking at all the new and discounted makeup, watching people get made in beautiful creatures and demons, makeup master classes and demonstrations. Everything was just amazing.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

So Happy That's Over!

Long time no speak!

Safe to say that college is now over and I'm totally finished the course! 
That is unless I get an email from my tutor to say that something is missing, and then it's a race against time to get that piece of work in!
Fingers crossed, that wont be happening!

College took up so much of my free time.
I found myself at almost every Maisie's nap time, either cleaning the house or catching up on college work, and the same for most nights.
Other nights that I had free were either spent at college in a class, or ironing or very little me down time, which was very needed.

I am honestly so so happy to say I have now finished, and with all this spare time now during Maisie's nap time, I find myself wondering what I can do!
I have defiantly missed this time, and hopefully I will be able to catch up with all the blog posts I have been missing.

I want to get back into the blogging world and I have missed reading everyone's blogs, so hopefully I will get back into the swing of things really soon.

Thank you for understanding!
- Louise xxx