Friday, 4 July 2014

IMATS London 2014

Hey everyone!

I've been wanting to go to IMATS for about three years now, but this year thanks to my mam I got to go!
It was part of my birthday present for July, but obviously IMATS is a three day only event.

I got up at 5am to get ready for the 7.30 train to London on Saturday, and let me tell you, I don't think I have ever been so excited!

We finally arrived at Olympia at about 11, where getting ID'd was literally giving me heart palpitations!

Inside the venue I have never ever seen anything like it! All the hustle and bustle of everyone going to different makeup stalls and looking at all the new and discounted makeup, watching people get made in beautiful creatures and demons, makeup master classes and demonstrations. Everything was just amazing.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

So Happy That's Over!

Long time no speak!

Safe to say that college is now over and I'm totally finished the course! 
That is unless I get an email from my tutor to say that something is missing, and then it's a race against time to get that piece of work in!
Fingers crossed, that wont be happening!

College took up so much of my free time.
I found myself at almost every Maisie's nap time, either cleaning the house or catching up on college work, and the same for most nights.
Other nights that I had free were either spent at college in a class, or ironing or very little me down time, which was very needed.

I am honestly so so happy to say I have now finished, and with all this spare time now during Maisie's nap time, I find myself wondering what I can do!
I have defiantly missed this time, and hopefully I will be able to catch up with all the blog posts I have been missing.

I want to get back into the blogging world and I have missed reading everyone's blogs, so hopefully I will get back into the swing of things really soon.

Thank you for understanding!
- Louise xxx

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Slim Fast: Does It Really Work?

Hi everyone!
This post is a little bit different to what I normally blog about, but i wanted to get my views across about this "quick fix" weight loss diet.

After the birth of my daughter 14 months ago, I have struggled be happy with my body. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy with what my body went through to create my beautiful girl, but what I'm left with after has always made me miss my body from before.
I've gone up a dress size, both top and bottoms and I'm really not happy about it. My stomach used to be flat and is now rounder, and the scales which told me the honest truth were a little bit too truthful than what I would have liked!

I've always wondered about Slim Fast and if it really works or if it's just a fad. 
I heard one of my friends say she was on the Slim Fast diet and lost a lot of weight and really recommended it. So after searching the internet I found the whole range was half price in Boots. I thought to myself, why the heck not just try it while it's half price.
I picked up four tubs of shakes from Boots and a shaker as they say it shakes everything together a lot better.

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Shall We Get Up To Date?

Hello again, do you remember me?
Probably not...

I'm so so sorry I've been gone for about five months or so now.
I've still been reading blogs and watching YouTube videos but when it comes to sitting down and actually writing my own blog, I don't know what's happened.

So let me just begin by saying, I'm back at work! I went back in November but where I can I'm trying to get overtime - lets face it, working nine hours per week just doesn't cut it when you have a baby and a house to run...
So that's stress number one.

I'm still doing to Access to Health course, I only have about 8 weeks left or so, but my gosh does the work start building up! I'm onto my last big project at the minute and its definitely a pain!
Stress number two.

And baby (i can still call her that, right?), is fourteen months. So that means I never stop! If she's not trying to get somewhere she shouldn't be she's running into another room where she can't be seen! She keeps my days busy but very very entertained!!
So with that said, the only real me time I get is either Maisie's nap time, or when she's gone to bed, and by then I can never really be bothered to anything other than just sitting and either reading a book or just watching TV!

So I just wanted to say again that I'm so sorry and hopefully I will be able to get back into blogging soon, especially with my course finishing soon!

Thank you xxx
Louise xox

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Baby's First Christmas!

So as your may (or may not know), I have a little baby girl!
I say baby, she's nearly one now, and I still haven't come to terms with this. I honestly think that if I think about it too much, I might cry! Sad I know :(

With it being Maisie's first christmas I didn't want to spoil her too much, because at 9 months old, there's no way she will remember christmas! We bought her about 7 toys and a few outfits, but then of course, off both families she got spoilt.

We woke her up a little earlier than normal because of on christmas day she was a busy little girl visiting all her family and eating her first christmas dinner, and of course opening all those presents takes a toll on a little girl and she has to have some naps!!

Below are just some pictures of Maisie opening her very first presents that santa left for at mammy and daddy's house.
'Keep Calm I'm Santas Favourite Baby'

What are these mammy?

Are they for me?!

I'll open this one first!

Getting there!

Ooooo this is a nice book!

Thank you santa for my book!

Mrs Claus Christmas Outfit!

Thank you for reading my pretty late blog post, but I wanted to document Maisie's first big event!
     - Louise xx

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Garnier Pure Active Exfo-Brusher Wash

Hello you gorgeous little peaches!
Today's post is about another little nifty beauty product I picked up while I was shopping in Tesco!

Basically, I got this product before my birthday -which was July. I picked it up because I was hoping to get my No7 Beautiful Skin Cleanser (which you can read a review on here) for my birthday, so until then I wanted something that could do a similar job for my skin.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Garnier Ultimate Body Oil Review

I was watching YouTube videos and reading up on blogs about the effects of Argan oil, and how it can be good to put on your face.
So... very intrigued, I went to my local supermarket - Tesco, and had a search for some Argan oil. About ten minutes after staring at the shelves I finally found what I was looking for!
I was excited to get home and take my makeup off so I could use this new oil that everybody was raving about!