Saturday 16 November 2013

Simple Spotless Skin Rapid Action Review

I was happily walking around Tesco in the skincare section just to see what was new, and what caught my eye. I was starting to break out more than normal so I had to take action fast!
That's when I spotted this little beauty.

If you're not aware of the 'simple' range it's made with no perfume, no colours and designed for sensitive skin to use them.

I've tried things from this brand before and I liked the product, so thought I was give this spot zapper a try over the rest of the brands.

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Date Night For Mammy and Daddy

Hello again!
The other week me and Gavin got a well deserved night off from mammy and daddy duties, and decided it was right to have a little night out.
So, the plan was to go out for tea, and then go to the cinema.
Let me tell ya, one of the best night nights I've in a long time (as lame as that might be!)
We started off at Akbars, which was absolutely amazing, then worked our way to Cineworld to watch Thor. Can I just say... if you haven't seen this film yet, please go! It's amazing, not only for Chris Hemsworth, but just for the actual film! 

Wednesday 6 November 2013


*cough cough* (dusting off the cobwebs)

Hello all you lovelies!
Now it has literally been months hasn't it?! I'm finally in my own house, all settled, and after a very long five weeks to wait for Internet.... it has finally arrived!
Yay, I can finally start blogging again, and using my Twitter and Instagram more (which I am totally obsessed with by the way).

This is just a quick post today just to get back into the swing of things now that I'm back at work, and college with a baby. Busy bee right? Haha.

I love watching all of the Guru's on YouTube make their amazing Halloween makeup, and usually I just sit and admire and think I am never as good as they are to do my makeup like that!
But this year I was going to a Halloween party, so dressing up is a must! After a long consideration I decided to go with Nicole Guerriero's sugar skull, because I thought its not too bad with the gore and looked fairly simply to do!

After buying some extra makeup and sitting in front of the mirror for about 45 minutes, I was finally done! I will say that it wasn't completely how i would have liked it - my face wasn't as white, and I had to use a white eyeshadow to make my face look paler which was riddled with glitter which, no surprise, didn't really make my skin look its best!
But overall I was really proud at the face I could actually do my makeup and although it wasn't amazing I felt good about it!
And this was the finished result!

(Please ignore the none brushed I'm dead and going with it hair!)
You can watch the Sugar Skull tutorial by Nicole here.

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog!
      - Louise xx

Monday 23 September 2013

Tropic Face Smooth Polish

Hi everyone!
First few weeks of college - done! Hurraaaaay!
Todays post is a review on Tropic's Face Smooth Bright Exfoliator.
Let me begin by explaining who Tropic are and what they want to achieve!
All of their products are cruelty free, natural, and 100% pure plant extract, and literally all of her products could be eaten (although it's really not recommended!), and every single ingredient is listed on the bottle/tub.

Saturday 21 September 2013


Hello again!
So as you may or may not know, I've just very recently started college, let me tell ya, right now, it's just not as hard as what I thought it was going to be! I have a few bits of work to do throughout the week but it's daft little things like making a day to day timetable, or a leaflet! I just can't wait to get into the whole science part of the course! Roll on four more weeks when the that will be starting!! 
Another thing that has happened in my life I hear you ask? I got a house! Yes, finally... my own house! Okay, okay, so it's only a rented a house but in my eyes it's better than nothing, right? It will mean we can finally be a little family together and Maisie can have her own big room because it's a 3 bedroom house! I'm so excited to actually get into the house and get everything decorated the way I've always wanted my house to be! 
Cant't say I'll miss my family because I really will miss everything they do, but at least they are only a few minutes down the road! 
As for Maisie - she is crawling all over the place now! She started crawling nearly two week ago now but she was very wobbly. Now? There's literally no stopping her! Every two minutes I will be up and down because she's crawled out the room or she has gone to the tv! I'm loving every minute of her growing up though, I just wish it would all slow down! She was only a baby for a few months before she started to get big :( haha! 

So that it just a very short update on my life, and with house moving and decorated I hope you all don't mind that for a few weeks or so my blog posts may be all the place and not on a set day!!

Thank you all for reading my blog! 
     - Louise xx

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Going To College With A Baby

Hello everyone!

So yep, you guessed it. I'm going to back to college!
I actually passed college when I was 18 with my A-Levels, and I originally wanted to work in a travel agents after working in Spain for a few months. However, the weird thing is - unless you have worked in a travel agents before, it's very difficult to even get a job interview, never mind a job!

My current job is working for Next, where I've been for nearly two years. But let me tell you, after having a baby it sure does put things into perspective about what you need to do with your own life so you can give the best for your baby!

So this is where going back to college comes into it...
I'm going to do a Health course which will hopefully get me to my childhood dream of working for the NHS as a Physiotherapist!
I'm so excited!
(Image from Google.)

Thankfully the college I am going to has offered me a night course which is only two nights a week for three and a half hours a night. My boyfriend has also got onto the course but he is doing the day course, which is three days a week for six hours a day! Killer!
So because Gavin is going back to college his work hours had to be completely changed, but he never works later than 5.30 at night, which means he has the two nights off that I go to college to mind Maisie! 
This is just so much easier than what we were first planning which was for all our family to share Maisie until I could get home to her, but this has worked out so much better!

I'm very excited to start college again, but then again I'm also scared that in the end it might be too much when I have to go back to work at Next, but at least for now I have another two months off, so no complaints just yet! Haha!

Are you going to college/university?
What are you studying!?

Thank you for reading my blog!
     - Louise xx

Wednesday 28 August 2013

Stylight and Everyday Makeup!

Hello to all my lovely followers!
Let's start off by saying sorry for me not posting for roughly 4 weeks now, to start with I was feeling ill, and then I just went into a little slump for no apparent reason and wanted to not really do anything, so so sorry. But I am back now, and ready to blog away!!

So what's this post about?
I have recently been loving the Stylight website and app and I wanted to share it with you all!
It is sort of along the lines of pinterest, except in Stylight you can put items of clothing together to make an outfit and then you can actually buy clothes!
Sounds like heaven, right?!

The only things you need to do to sign up is enter your e-mail address, password, gender and age! 
Then, just start putting your outfits together!